
Regular Meeting (03-12-2018)

Selectmen Present:                Suzan Rudnicki, Douglas Small, John Luce andJoshua Devlin

Absent:                                   Jared Fitts

Town Manager/CEO:           Kevin Howell

Recording Secretary:            Coreen Sylvester

Guests Present:                      Scott Braley of Plymouth Engineering, Glennis McSorley and Toby Pelletier

7:30 PM:  Suzan Rudnicki called the meeting to order.

MINUTES:  Voting on the minutes of February 26, 2018 was tabled as there were not enough Selectmen present who attended that meeting.




Elect Chairman:  John Luce made a motion to elect Suzan Rudnicki as Chairman of the Board. Douglas Small seconded.  Three voted in favor.  Suzan Rudnicki abstained.


Scott Braley of Plymouth Engineering – Town Landing and Road Under Five Rd Railroad

Bridge:  There was discussion with Scott Braley regarding options for repairing the road under the Five Road railroad bridge.  After discussion, John Luce made a motion to have a survey done to start this project.  Josh Devlin seconded.  Four voted in favor.


There was discussion about the steps to get the town landing started.  Scott Braley said the first step would be to do a topographical survey of the area, and Kevin Howell said he will be applying for a grant from the Department of Agriculture.  John Luce made a motion to have a topographical survey done of the proposed town landing.  Josh Devlin seconded.  Four voted in favor.


The Town Manager asked if the Board wants a title search done.  After discussion, John Luce made a motion to have a title search done and buy title insurance for the town landing.  Josh Devlin seconded.  Four voted in favor.




  1. Town Manager Kevin Howell let the Board know we will be out of salt and sand after this week’s storm.  He has another load of salt coming, and R&R Lumber will put it up with another delivery of sand.




Skid Steer Purchase:  The Town Manager received the following quotes for a new skid steer:


            Company                                 Skid Steer                    Quote


            Jordan Equipment                   Bobcat S650                $47,382.97

            Beauregard Equipment           Case SV280                $48,700.00

            Greenway Equipment             John Deere 324E         $51,483.00


After discussion, John Luce made a motion to go with the Bobcat skid steer.  Josh Devlin seconded.  Four voted in favor.


2018 Road Projects:  There was discussion of proposed road projects including repair under the Five Road railroad bridge, shim and overlay on Fuller and Cook Roads and whether to pave any of our dirt roads.


WARRANT:  John Luce made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of March 5, 2018 in the amount of $3,748.32.  Doug Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT:  John Luce made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of March 5, 2018 in the amount of $43,270.75.  Doug Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT:  John Luce made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of March 12, 2018 in the amount of $3,645.56.  Doug Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT:  John Luce made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of March 12, 2018 in the amount of $137,984.38.  Joshua Devlin seconded.  Four voted in favor.


EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to go into executive session pursuant to 1MRSA §405(6)(F) to discuss confidential records.  John Luce seconded.  Four voted in favor.  Selectmen went into executive session at 8:53 pm.  Selectmen reconvened in  regular session at 9:01 pm.  No action taken, informational only.


ADJOURNMENT:  John Luce made a motion to adjourn.  Doug Small seconded. Four voted in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm.