Regular Meeting (01-14-2013)
Selectmen Present: Douglas Small, John Luce and Earlyn Bowers
Absent: Suzan Rudnicki and Joshua Devlin
Town Manager: Tom Richmond
Guests Present: Glennis McSorley
7:30 PM: John Luce called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: Voting on the minutes of December 17, 2012 was postponed as there were not enough Selectmen present who attended that meeting.
Voting on the minutes of January 7, 2013 was postponed as there were not enough Selectmen present who attended that meeting.
Election Booths (Purchase): This item was tabled until a full Board is present.
Dedication of Town Report 2012: After discussion, Selectmen decided not to dedicate the 2012 Town Report to anyone.
Sheriff’s Department Report: Selectmen reviewed the report from the Sheriff’s Department, and Doug stated he prefers the old style reports, which had more information.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of January 14, 2013 in the amount of $3,017.49. Doug Small seconded. Three voted in favor.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of January 14, 2013 in the amount of $739.81. Doug Small seconded. Three voted in favor.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of January 14, 2013 in the amount of $129,388.62. Doug Small seconded. Three voted in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to adjourn. John Luce seconded. Three voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.