Regular Meeting (09-16-2013)
Selectmen Present: Suzan Rudnicki, Douglas Small, John Luce and Joseph Pelletier
Absent: Earlyn Bowers
Town Manager: Tom Richmond
Recording Secretary: Coreen Sylvester
Guests Present: Keith Ewing of Plymouth Engineering, Glennis McSorley and Code Enforcement Officer Stewart Brooks
7:30 PM: Suzan Rudnicki called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: Voting on the minutes of August 12, 2013 and September 10, 2013 was postponed as there were not enough members present who attended those meetings.
Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to accept the minutes of August 19, 2013 as written. Joseph Pelletier seconded. Three voted in favor.
Christmas Holiday (schedule): Tom Richmond stated Christmas Eve falls on a Tuesday this year, the office is usually open from 1 pm to 5 pm on Tuesday and asked if the Board would have any objection to being closed that day. Sue Rudnicki made a motion to have the Town Office closed on December 24, 2013. Three voted in favor. Douglas Small abstained.
Plymouth Engineering (Haskell Road Bridge Updates): Keith Ewing explained what work would need to be done to replace Haskell Road Bridge, and gave the Board an estimated cost for that work. Mr. Ewing said he had looked at Garland Road Bridge; the abutments are already in place and the deck needs to be replaced, but he did not have an estimate for the work. After discussion, Selectmen requested Mr. Ewing work up a cost estimate for repairing Garland Road Bridge before they make a final decision on which bridge to fix or replace.
Set Date for Junkyard Hearing: John Luce made a motion to set October 7, 2013 as the date for the junkyard hearing. Sue Rudnicki seconded. Four voted in favor.
Fire Station Bay Door: Tom explained they have put a splice in the broken door as a temporary fix, and it will be about three weeks before the door comes in.
Damaged Fire Truck Update: Tom said the insurance company is renting a fire engine from the Town of Hermon for thirty days while our damaged fire truck is being repaired. After discussion, John Luce made a motion that we do not rent a fire truck at this time. Suzan Rudnicki seconded. Four voted in favor.
Drainage Problem: Tom stated Bill Palmer claims the water from the train trestle on Five Road was diverted and now runs onto his land. Tom stated that if it happened, it must have happened when Dan Wilson put in his culvert in the middle of his driveway. John Luce stated this is not the Town’s culvert since it is well outside of the Town’s road right-of-way.
Poison Ivy: Tom let the Board know Green Thumb Lawn Care hasn’t been able to spray our poison ivy yet because of the rain.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of September 16, 2013 in the amount of $4,050.01. Joe Pelletier seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of September 16, 2013 in the amount of $739.81. Joe Pelletier seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of September 16, 2013 in the amount of $311,001.99. Joe Pelletier seconded. Four voted in favor.
Carmel Schoolbus in Bangor: Sue Rudnicki stated she was on Union Street in Bangor and saw one of the Carmel buses going into Capehart. She called Superintendent John Backus to find out why and was told one of our bus drivers lives there and takes the bus home to pick up and drop off special education students in Old Town.
ADJOURNMENT: Joseph Pelletier made a motion to adjourn. Sue Rudnicki seconded. Four voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:53 pm.