Regular Meeting (02-25-2013)
Selectmen Present: Suzan Rudnicki, John Luce, Earlyn Bowers and Douglas Small
Absent: Joshua Devlin
Assist. Town Manager: Julia Pike
Recording Secretary: Coreen Sylvester
Guests Present: Glennis McSorley and Toby Pelletier
7:30 PM: Suzan Rudnicki called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: John Luce made a motion to accept the minutes of January 14, 2013 as written. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Three voted in favor. Sue Rudnicki abstained as she was not present for that meeting.
John Luce made a motion to accept the minutes of January 28, 2013 as written. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Douglas Small made a motion to go into executive session pursuant to 22MRSA §4305(3B) to discuss general assistance. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor. Selectmen went into executive session at 7:41 pm. Selectmen reconvened in regular session at 7:45 pm. No action taken, informational only.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers motioned to accept the payroll warrant of February 4, 2013 in the amount of $3,264.48. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers motioned to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of February 4, 2013 in the amount of $739.81. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers motioned to accept the payroll warrant of February 11, 2013 in the amount of $3,197.77. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers motioned to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of February 11, 2013 in the amount of $739.81. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers motioned to accept the payroll warrant of February 19, 2013 in the amount of $3,226.86. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers motioned to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of February 19, 2013 in the amount of $739.81. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers motioned to accept the payroll warrant of February 25, 2013 in the amount of $3,604.31. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers motioned to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of February 25, 2013 in the amount of $739.81. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of February 4, 2013 in the amount of $29,575.17. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of February 13, 2013 in the amount of $15,701.83. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of February 25, 2013 in the amount of $131,095.59. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: Sue Rudnicki made a motion to adjourn. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Five voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.