Regular Meeting (02-27-2017)
Selectmen Present: Suzan Rudnicki, Earlyn Bowers, Douglas Small and Jared Fitts
Absent: John Luce
Town Manager/CEO: Kevin Howell
Recording Secretary: Coreen Sylvester
Guests Present: Robert C. Noyes, David Scripture and Michael Dunton of R&R Lumber, Fire Chief Ryan Simpson, Fire Captain Darren Corriveau, Deputy Mark Lloyd, Glennis McSorley and Toby Pelletier
7:30 PM: Suzan Rudnicki called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: Douglas Small made a motion to accept the minutes of February 6, 2017 as written. Jared Fitts seconded. Four voted in favor.
MINUTES: Douglas Small made a motion to accept the minutes of February 24, 2017 as amended. Jared Fitts seconded. Four voted in favor.
Winter Plowing Issues: Town Manager Kevin Howell commended R&R Lumber Co. for the job they did job keeping our roads clear during the storm of February 13, 2017, but he got a call from Suzan Rudnicki saying Fire Chief Ryan Simpson had called her to say they couldn't get the ambulance in because of the snow berm blocking the bay doors. Kevin Howell stated that according to the snowplowing contract, roads are a priority and the parking lot is not mentioned. Robert Noyes stated that when he first took over plowing the parking lot, he was told to keep the roads clear and make sure the Town Office Parking lot was clear by 7:30 am, and the parking lot has tripled in size with no increase in contract price. Kevin Howell suggested revising the contract for the increased parking lot, and making sure there is open communication between emergency staff and R&R Lumber with phone numbers for R&R kept in the emergency vehicles. Selectmen agreed.
ALS Services: Kevin Howell stated he has spoken with Ryan Simpson about the option of going with Hermon for our priority ALS service because they are a lot closer and a lot less expensive, and Ryan said he wants to continue with Bangor for ALS backup. Ryan stated Hermon is a volunteer department and understaffed with only one paramedic, and Bangor guarantees a paramedic every time. Kevin said he has spoken with Mr. Watson of Hermon, (he also received a letter from Mr. Watson), Chief Higgins of Bangor Fire and Chad LaBree of PRCC, and all three said that Hermon should be our first choice for ALS service. After discussion, the matter was tabled to see if Mr. Watson, Mr. Higgins and/or Mr. LaBree can come to a meeting to discuss it.
1. Kevin said for general assistance we have only paid for two heating and one rental so far this year.
2. Kevin let the Board know the Rec Department had a successful father/daughter dance, and they have a full Rec Committee now.
3. The Town Manager stated the roads are now posted and potholes were filled. Bobby Noyes also removed snow from the Seafood Galley.
4. There was discussion regarding recycling. Kevin said the curbside collection isn't working out very well because there isn't a lot of participation, and suggested using a 'silver bullet' from Eco Maine. It is a container that could be placed near our hazardous waste shed and it would save us money, with a cost of approximately $500.00 per trip to haul it to South Portland versus the $2,358.00 we pay now per month to have it picked up. It would also be more convenient for a lot of people as they wouldn't have to store several containers and they could bring their recycling here at any time. It was decided Kevin will speak with Jerry Sullivan about the existing recycling contract.
Assessing Contract: Kevin said he spoke with Robert Duplisea, who said he's not sure why photos are not being done as they should be but agreed to discuss it with our in-house assessor. They don't make it a regular practice to do interior inspections unless a taxpayer asks, because of the time involved. Jared Fitts made a motion to approve the assessing contract for RJD Appraisal. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
Employee Pay for Town Office Closing: Kevin asked Selectmen's thoughts as far as employees being paid when the town office closes due to winter storms. After discussion, Selectmen said they had no objections to the staff being paid on the rare occasions the office is closed because of weather.
WARRANT: Jared Fitts made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of February 27, 2017 in the amount of $4,398.79. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Jared Fitts made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of February 27, 2017 in the amount of $59,547.46. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: Sue Rudnicki made a motion to adjourn. Jared Fitts seconded. Four voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm.