Regular Meeting (03-22-2021)
Selectmen Present: Jared Fitts, Isaac Raymond and Daniel Frye
Absent: Suzan Rudnick and Douglas Small
Town Manager/CEO: Kevin Howell
Rec. Secretary (Remote): Kimberly Davis, Toby Pelletier and Glennis McSorley
7:30 PM: Daniel Frye called the Selectmen’s meeting to order.
MINUTES: Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the minutes of February 22, 2021 as written Jared Fitts seconded. Three voted in favor.
Annual Appointments:
Isaac Raymond made a motion to appoint Robert J. Duplisea Jr. as Assessor for the ensuing year. Jared Fitts seconded. Three voted in favor.
Isaac Raymond made a motion to confirm the following appointments to be made by the Town Manager, as written below. Jared Fitts seconded. Three voted in favor.
Julia Pike as Sexton, Ralph Shaw as Emergency Management Director and Forest Fire Warden, Leslie Jean Treadwell as Animal Control Officer, Crystal Nicholas as Deputy Animal Control Officer, Coreen Sylvester as Deputy Tax collector, Deputy Treasurer and Deputy Clerk, Kimberly Davis as Deputy Tax Collector, Deputy Treasurer and Deputy Clerk and Lacey Walton as Deputy Tax Collector, Deputy Treasurer and Deputy Clerk.
2021 Paving Program Specifications: After discussion, Isaac Raymond made a motion to allow the Town Manager to put the 2021 Paving Program out to bid. Jared Fitts Seconded. Three voted in favor.
Storage Building Design and Specifications: Kevin Howell let the Selectmen know he is working on the design and specifications of the storage building to be built at the recreation complex and expected to have a proposed bid package ready for the next meeting.
Village Garage Roof and Drainage: Kevin Howell let the Selectmen know he was also working on final specifications for work to be done to the old fire station garage in the village. There was discussion about the project including the roof and drainage. He said he has a meeting with the engineer this week to review the scope of work. Kevin said he hoped to have specifications and a bid package ready for the next meeting.
Selection of Board Chairman: The Selectmen decided they would wait until all board members were present before voting for Board Chairman.
WARRANT: Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of March 1, 2021 in the amount of $12,373.84. Daniel Frye seconded. Three voted in favor.
WARRANT: Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of March 8, 2021 in the amount of $5,026.25. Daniel Frye seconded. Three voted in favor.
WARRANT: Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of March 8, 2021 in the amount of $41,320.85. Daniel Frye seconded. Three voted in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: Isaac Raymond made a motion to adjourn. Jared Fitts seconded. Three voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.