
Regular Meeting (12-07-2020)

Selectmen Present:                Suzan Rudnicki, Douglas Small, Isaac Raymond and Daniel Frye

Absent:                                   Jared Fitts

Town Manager/CEO:           Kevin Howell

Rec. Secretary (Remote):     Coreen Sylvester

7:30 PM:  Public Hearing for Junkyard Renewals:  Suzan Rudnicki opened the public hearing and announced the applicants for junkyard renewals; Clement’s Starter and Alternator

LLC, R&R Lumber Company and Ideal Recycling Inc.  Town Manager Kevin Howell said he had received no comments from the public.  Suzan Rudnicki closed the public hearing.


7:31 PM:  Suzan Rudnicki called the Selectmen’s meeting to order.




Consideration of 2021 Junkyard Permit Applications:  Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to reissue the junkyard permit for Clement’s Starter and Alternator LLC at 17 Clements Way.  Douglas Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.  Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to reissue the junkyard permit for R&R Lumber Company at 176 Fuller Road.  Douglas Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.  Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to reissue the junkyard permit for Ideal Recycling Inc. at 271 Main Road.  Douglas Small seconded.  Four voted in favor. 


MINUTES:  Douglas Small made a motion to accept the minutes of November 23, 2020 as written. Daniel Frye seconded.  Three voted in favor.  Suzan Rudnicki abstained as she was not present for that meeting.




  1. The Town Manager stated the public works crew’s last day for this year was Friday.


  1. The Selectmen and Town Manager went over the items in this week’s packet, including the monthly Fire Department report.  Kevin gave an update on the ambulance billing.


  1. Kevin let the Board know the state did an audit of our general assistance, and it was successful.


  1. Kevin gave an update on building permits issued in 2020.




Consideration of 2021 Spirit of America Award Recipient:  After discussion, Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to nominate Russell Treadwell Sr. for the 2021 Spirit of America award and the annual report dedication.  Daniel Frye seconded.  Four voted in favor.


Ideal Recycling Fire Suppression Costs:  There was discussion about whether the owner of Ideal Recycling is keeping up with payments for fire suppression costs for the May 2018 fire at the Ideal Recycling facility.  Kevin stated the owner signed a promissory note, but is way behind on payments.  Kevin said he will contact the owner, then contact our attorney if he cannot get any results from the owner.


WARRANT:  Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of November 30, 2020 in the amount of $5,460.90.  Daniel Frye seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT:  Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of December 7, 2020 in the amount of $11,658.95.  Daniel Frye seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT:  Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of December 7, 2020 in the amount of $263,692.69.  Daniel Frye seconded.  Four voted in favor.


ADJOURNMENT:  Isaac Raymond made a motion to adjourn.  Daniel Frye seconded. Four voted in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.