
Regular Meeting (07-13-2020)

Selectmen Present:                Suzan Rudnicki,  Douglas Small, Jared Fitts, Isaac Raymond and Daniel Frye

Town Manager/CEO:           Kevin Howell

Rec Secretary (Remote):      Coreen Sylvester

Guest(s) Present:                   Deputy Jordan Norton

7:30 PM:  Suzan Rudnicki called the meeting to order.

MINUTES:  Douglas Small made a motion to accept the minutes of June 15, 2020 as written Daniel Frye seconded.  Three voted in favor.  Suzan Rudnicki and Jared Fitts abstained as they were not present for that meeting.




Open Tax Acquired Property Bids:  Selectmen received the following bids for tax acquired property located at 15 Loon Cove on Map 10 Lot 11-6:


            Bidder                                                            Bid Amount


            Julie & Mike Ogden                                       $  28,001.00

            Samantha McKay                                               64,329.00

            Hollie Bussell                                                      41,225.00

            Justin Barker                                                       10,676.00

            Michael & Lois Strout                                        55,200.00

            Michael & Lois Strout                                        60,200.00  -Void if previous bid wins

            Michael & Lois Strout                                        65,200.00  -Void if previous bid wins

            Michael & Lois Strout                                        70,200.00  -Void if previous bid wins

            Michael & Lois Strout                                        75,200.00  -Void if previous bid wins

            Mary Rush/Mert Enterprises Inc.                     101,000.00

            Trevor Walls                                                       30,101.00

            Arthur Menezes                                                  10,888.00

            Melissa Martin                                                    30,000.00

            Margaret Longsworth                                         26,500.00

            Daniel & Sheri Tarr                                            12,345.69

            Michael Allard                                                  110,000.00

            Peter Isbell                                                          50,000.00

            Robert Chebok                                                      6,000.00

            Leanne Archer                                                    75,200.00

            Alan Ross                                                            63,600.00

            Zachary Phillips                                              $  80,000.00

            Angel Sawyer                                                     10,500.00

            Don Johnston                                                      24,132.34

            Kenneth Carle III                                               60,015.00

            Sarah Lessner                                                      33,000.00

            Gina Harlow                                                       27,770.00

            Deborah Bennett & Christine MacDonald         13,000.00

            Clay Good                                                          77,707.00

            Gregory Small                                                     10,000.00

            Scott Turner                                                        71,300.00

            Bruce Hamel                                                     106,101.00

            Gary & Rebekah Decker                                    21,375.00

            Erin Ouellette                                                      5,000.00


Kevin stated we had received one bid via email, and said it was against the sealed bid process as it clearly states ‘bids must be in a sealed envelope, and clearly marked T.A.P. Bid…’  Douglas Small made a motion to reject any emailed bid.  Suzan Rudnicki seconded.  Five voted in favor.


Selectmen received the following bids for tax acquired property located on Map 10 Lot 11-7:


Bidder                                                            Bid Amount


Ray John Catella Jr.                                        $    5,101.00

Deborah Bennett & Christine MacDonald           6,000.00

Michael Varney                                                    7,007.00

Misty Lewis                                                        15,200.00

Gary & Rebekah Decker                                    11,375.99

Bruce Hamel                                                       32,101.00

Georgia & Dwight King                                     12,500.00

Gina Harlow                                                         4,576.00

Sarah Lessner                                                      16,000.00

Don Johnston                                                      12,413.23

Kenneth Carle III                                               20,615.00

Michael Varney                                                  17,017.00

Alan Ross                                                            31,600.00

Leanne Archer                                                    22,400.00

Erin Ouellette                                                       3,200.00

Robert Chebock                                                    1,000.00

Peter Isbell                                                          10,000.00

Michael Allard                                                $  85,000.00

Jennifer Mallett                                                   16,000.00

Daniel & Sheri Tarr                                              4,000.00

Arthur Menezes                                                    2,088.00

Trevor Walls                                                       30,101.00

Donald Lacadie                                                   26,000.00

Michael & Lois Strout                                        10,200.00

Michael & Lois Strout                                        15,200.00  -Void if previous bid wins

Michael & Lois Strout                                        17,700.00  -Void if previous bid wins

Michael & Lois Strout                                        20,200.00  -Void if previous bid wins

Michael & Lois Strout                                        25,200.00  -Void if previous bid wins

Roy Bishop                                                           3,000.00

Margaret Longsworth                                           6,100.00

Matthew Allen                                                    30,000.00

Justin Barker                                                         2,076.00

Walter Hilenski                                                   18,456.67

Mike & Julie Ogden                                           17,025.00

Samantha McKay                                               22,199.00

Zachary Phillips                                                  25,000.00

Marc Bourque                                                     15,550.00

Clay Good                                                          25,005.00


Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to award the bids for Map 10 Lot 11-6 and Map 10 Lot 11-7 both to Michael Allard.  If Mr. Allard does not come through with the payment for either or both, the Town Manager is authorized to offer it/them to the next highest bidder(s).  Douglas Small seconded.  Five voted in favor.


Deputy Jordan Norton:  Kevin Howell introduced Deputy Jordan Norton as our new community policing officer, said he has been a resident of Carmel for a few years and believes he will be a perfect fit for our community.  Deputy Norton gave a little history on himself and his family, and said he is excited to have the opportunity to raise his children in a small town and to work in the town he lives in.


Treasurer’s Report:  The Town Manager gave the treasurer’s report as of July 13, 2020.


Mutual Aid with Stetson:  Kevin stated he went to a Stetson Selectmen’s meeting three weeks ago and discussed mutual aid options with them, as Stetson no longer has a fire department.  The Selectmen were open to working something out with us.  Kevin also let them know we have a regional ambulance service that operates in collaboration with Northern Light and would be available to respond to Stetson Monday thru Friday during staffed times.   Ed Moreshead from northern light was invited along with the Town Manager to the following board meeting and after discussion Stetson voted to signa contract with Northern Light for EMS service which Carmel and Levant will help facilitate. 


Wetlands Situation on Irish Road:  The Town Manager provided Selectmen with a copy of a letter he received for the Department of Environmental Protection stating very clearly that towns have no authority at all over wetland and DEP will be handling possible violations.


Community Spotlight Project:  Kevin let the Board know he has started a community spotlight project on Facebook to recognize people in the community, and asked Selectmen to fill out an informational form and provide him with a picture.


Dunham Junkyard Case:  Kevin said the Judge is coming to look at the property where Stephen Dunham’s junkyard is located at 11:00 am on Thursday, and court hearing is also scheduled for Thursday at 1:00 pm.


Safety Lane/Route 2 Intersection:  The Town Manager let the Board know he got D.O.T. to agree to provide the culverts for the project of widening the entrance of Safety Lane on the route 2 side.


Tax Acquired Property at 51 Hampden Road:  Jared Fitts made a motion to put the tax acquired property at 51 Hampden Road out to bid and have bids due August 10, 2020.  Daniel Frye seconded.  Five voted in favor.


WARRANT:  Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of July 6, 2020 in the amount of $5,861.44.  Daniel Frye seconded.  Five voted in favor.

WARRANT:  Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of July 13, 2020 in the amount of $10,592.27.  Dan Frye seconded.  Five voted in favor.

WARRANT:  Isaac Raymond made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of July 13, 2020 in the amount of $49,380.61.  Dan Frye seconded.  Five voted in favor.


ADJOURNMENT:  Sue Rudnicki made a motion to adjourn.  Jared Fitts seconded. Five voted in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 9:09 pm.