
Regular Meeting (12-02-2019)

Selectmen Present:                Suzan Rudnicki, Douglas Small, John Luce, Jared Fitts and Isaac Raymond

Town Manager/CEO:           Kevin Howell

Recording Secretary:            Coreen Sylvester

Guests Present:                      Glennis McSorley and Toby Pelletier

7:30 PM:  Suzan Rudnicki called the meeting to order.

MINUTES:  John Luce made a motion to accept the minutes of November 25, 2019 as written

  1. Isaac Raymond seconded.  Four voted in favor.  Suzan Rudnicki abstained as she was not present for that meeting.

MINUTES:  John Luce made a motion to accept the minutes of November 18, 2019 as written

  1. Douglas Small seconded.  Three voted in favor.  Jared Fitts and Isaac Raymond  abstained as they were not present for that meeting.




  1. The Selectmen and Town Manager went over the items in this week’s packet, including the monthly Fire and Rescue Department report.


  1. Kevin let Selectmen know we had our fourth annual Christmas tree decorating with the elementary school children, and it went very well.


  1. The Town Manager gave an update on building permits.  He has issued sixty-one building permits this year, which is ten more than last year.


  1. Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to have our Selectmen’s meetings every other week.  No second.  Motion died.


WARRANT:  John Luce made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of December 2, 2019 in the amount of $4,541.13.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Five voted in favor.

WARRANT:  John Luce made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of December 2, 2019 in the amount of $41,484.56.  Isaac Raymond seconded.  Five voted in favor.


ADJOURNMENT:  Sue Rudnicki made a motion to adjourn.  Isaac Raymond seconded.  Five voted in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm.