
Regular Meeting (08-05-2019)

Selectmen Present:                Douglas Small, John Luce, Jared Fitts and Isaac Raymond

Absent:                                   Suzan Rudnicki

Town Manager/CEO:           Kevin Howell

Recording Secretary:            Coreen Sylvester

Guests Present:                      Deanna Witham and Glennis McSorley

7:30 PM:  John Luce called the meeting to order.

MINUTES:  Douglas Small made a motion to accept the minutes of July 29, 2019 as written. Isaac Raymond seconded.  Four voted in favor.




Quitclaim Deed – William E. & Bonita B. Tarr:  John Luce made a motion to sign a quitclaim deed for William and Bonita Tarr for property located on Map 12 Lot 5.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.


Bingo Application for Golden Harvest Grange:  John Luce made a motion to sign a blanket letter of approval for Golden Harvest Grange to operate bingo and games of chance for 2019.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.


Annual Management Institute:  The Town Manager let the Board know he would be away from the office from August 7th through August 9th to attend the New England Management Institute at Sugarloaf.


Town Landing Plaque:  Kevin submitted the revised proposal for wording on the town landing

  1. Jared Fitts made a motion to authorize the Town Manager to order the plaque for the dedication of the town landing.  John Luce seconded.  Four voted in favor.


Volunteer Insurance:  The Town Manager stated that Maine Municipal Association offers accident insurance for board members and volunteers at $2.00 per person.  After discussion, Jared Fitts made a motion to approve purchasing accidental insurance for volunteers at $2.00 per person.  Doug Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.


Investment Options – Camden National Bank:  Kevin stated that after speaking with our auditor about investment options, he would suggest that we go with CD’s.  Kevin said he will get back to the Board with some CD rates.


Municipal Solar Power:  John Luce asked if there was anything new regarding the solar power. Kevin said last week he sent Revision Energy information on preparing the power purchase arrangement (PPA).  Also, he will be attending a session on solar power at the town manager’s institute and will have more information for Selectmen at the next meeting.


Carmel Days Update:  The Town Manager gave an update on Carmel Days plans, and said he sent out sponsorship letters to previous sponsors.  He approached Billy Cichocki today to see if he would like to make a contribution toward fireworks, and Billy agreed to sponsor the entire fireworks show.


WARRANT:  Jared Fitts made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of August 5, 2019 in the amount of $11,736.24.  Douglas Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT:  Jared Fitts made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of August 5, 2019 in the amount of $34,936.41.  Douglas Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.


ADJOURNMENT:  Jared Fitts made a motion to adjourn.  Isaac Raymond seconded. Four voted in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm.