
Regular Meeting (04-08-2019)

Selectmen Present:                John Luce, Douglas Small, Jared Fitts and Joshua Devlin

Absent:                                   Suzan Rudnicki

Town Manager/CEO:           Kevin Howell

Recording Secretary:            Coreen Sylvester

Guests Present:                     

7:30 PM:  Joshua Devlin called the meeting to order.

MINUTES:  John Luce made a motion to accept the minutes of April 1, 2019 as amended. Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.




Town Office Sign:  There was discussion regarding quotes the Town Manager had gotten on electronic signs.  Kevin said the first quotes he got a couple of months ago were between $25,000.00 and $32,000.00.  Recent quotes he had gotten for signs with reduced features were between $12,000.00 and $16,000.00.  Selectmen decided to table the matter for now. 


Floor Drain at Old Fire Station:  There was an email included in this week’s packet from D.E.P.  Kevin stated D.O.T. is okay with connecting the floor drain in the old fire station to the MDOT catch basin and drain system as long as they have permission from D.E.P., which was given in the email.


Municipal Building Solar Power:  Kevin stated a gentleman from Revision Energy will be at the April 22nd meeting to explain how their solar system works and to answer any questions.  Kevin said he did get answers to a few of the questions Selectmen had asked at last week’s meeting.   There are no batteries connected to the system; it is tied directly into the grid.  The solar panels are clipped to the roof seams; they do not penetrate the roof.  The warrantee is for twenty-five years.  The town would not have to put any money up front and after five years, there will be a yearly option to purchase the system at fair market value.




  1.       The Town Manager let the Board know one of our Public Works’ crew has taken another job.  Kevin has advertised the position, and has received fifteen or sixteen applications so far.


  1.       Douglas Small asked if we are going to be doing the street sweeping soon, and whether we will be doing the sweeping at the library.  Kevin said he could have the library done if Selectmen have no objections.  Selectmen had no objections.


  1.       Kevin said that since the Board had decided to honor the person to whom the annual report is dedicated each year for the Spirit of America Foundation award, he put together a resolution to honor Bill Palmer, and has sent it to his son for his approval.  Kevin said he would put it into a nice matted frame if Selectmen are okay with it.  There was discussion regarding the possibility of having a plaque made.  It was decided that Kevin will frame the resolution and bring it to next meeting for Selectmen’s approval.


  1.        The Town Manager stated we had a few frozen culverts this year, and he had Danny Wilson flush them out as he has a pressure washer that heats water.


  1.       Kevin let Selectmen that last week R&R Lumber had to go out and plow and sand.  On Bemis Road the plow hit a bump or frost heave, which tossed the truck to the left and caused some damage to the road and part of someone’s driveway.


  1.       Kevin stated the town truck is fixed and ready for service.  We got six new tires priced at $200.00 each for just $125.00 each from Maine Commercial Tire.  They have a program that gives a significant discount to municipalities.


WARRANT:  John Luce made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of April 8, 2019 in the amount of $4,240.54.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT:  John Luce made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of April 8, 2019 in the amount of $206,832.02.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.


OTHER BUSINESS:  Gravel Roads:  The Town Manager stated the application that was put on our gravel roads last year worked well; during this year’s recent mud season there were hardly any ruts other than on Preble Lane from the bus and the top of Ash Hill Road.


ADJOURNMENT:  Doug Small made a motion to adjourn.  Josh Devlin seconded.  Four voted in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.