Regular Meeting (05-16-2016)
Selectmen Present: Suzan Rudnicki, Douglas Small, John Luce and Jared Fitts
Absent: Earlyn Bowers
Interim Town Manager: Julia Pike
Recording Secretary: Coreen Sylvester
Guests Present: Code Enforcement Officer/Interim Road Commissioner Kevin Howell, Glennis McSorley and Toby Pelletier
7:30PM: Suzan Rudnicki called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: John Luce made a motion to accept the minutes of May 9, 2016 as written. Douglas Small seconded. Four voted in favor.
- Kevin Howell let the Board know he spoke with Mr. Drost of Ideal Recycling and was told they will clean up Stephen Dunham's junkyard at no cost, and the town will make some money from the metal to go towards legal fees. John Luce made a motion to authorize Kevin Howell to proceed with cleaning up the Dunham property. Suzan Rudnicki seconded. Three voted in favor. Jared Fitts abstained.
- There was discussion regarding beaver issues on Five Road at the culvert near the town line. Kevin said the trapper told him the Warden Service does not allow them to live-trap beavers anymore because when you re-locate them, it becomes someone else's problem. After discussion of possible options, John Luce made a motion to trap the beavers. Doug Small seconded. Three voted in favor. Suzan Rudnicki opposed.
- Kevin stated he contacted the D.E.P. to see if we need a permit to convert the metal storage container into a universal waste shed, and they said we do not.
- Kevin said that since we are not widening Safety Lane this year we will have extra money for road work, and asked Selectmen to consider reconstructing the fire truck driveway because it is often muddy and rutted The cost would be approximately $5,000.00. John Luce made a motion to authorize Kevin to go ahead with the job. Jared Fitts seconded. Four voted in favor.
- The Selectmen and Road Commissioner discussed the town garage project. Kevin suggested doing an invitational bid with bid opening for the first Monday in June. John Luce made a motion to have Kevin put the town garage out to invitational bid. Jared Fitts seconded. Four voted in favor.
Fire Department Air Packs: Julia Pike said she had asked Fire Chief Ryan Simpson why we couldn’t replace the air packs five at a time, and was told that the State said they don’t want anyone having any old ones. Selectmen asked that Julia have Ryan provide them with official written requirements for air packs.
Sign School Referendum Warrant: John Luce made a motion to sign the warrant for the School Budget Referendum. Jared Fitts seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of May 16, 2016 in the amount of $878.49. Doug Small seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of May 16, 2016 in the amount of $4,405.96. Doug Small seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of May 16, 2016 in the amount of $16,908.65. Doug Small seconded. Four voted in favor.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Sue Rudnicki made a motion to go into executive session pursuant to 1MRSA § 405(6A) to discuss a personnel matter. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor. Selectmen went into executive session at 8:19 pm. Selectmen reconvened in regular session at 8:33 pm. No action taken, informational only. Sue Rudnicki made a motion to have Fire Chief Ryan Simpson write out definitions for campfires, cooking fires and brush fires and rules for burning to give to anyone issuing burn permits. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor.
OTHER BUSINESS: Glennis McSorley asked who owns the property near the Hermon town line on Route 2 because they have put up ‘No Trespassing/Private Property’ signs at the fire hydrant access area. Selectmen said it is private property, but the owner gave the Town permission to use it for fire trucks to have access to hydrants. There was some discussion on possible alternative signage because people shouldn’t be blocking the hydrant.
ADJOURNMENT: Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to adjourn. John Luce seconded. Four voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.