
Regular Meeting (08-22-2016)

Selectmen Present:                John Luce, Douglas Small, Earlyn Bowers and         Jared Fitts

Absent:                                   Suzan Rudnicki

Town Manager/CEO:           Kevin Howell

Recording Secretary:            Coreen Sylvester

Guests Present:                      Kimberly Davis, Glennis McSorley and Toby Pelletier

7:30PM:  Earlyn Bowers called the meeting to order.

MINUTES:  John Luce made a motion to accept the minutes of August 15, 2016 as written. Jared Fitts seconded.  Three voted in favor.  Douglas Small abstained as he was not present for the whole meeting.




            1.   Kevin Howell said he is an authorized signer for our checking account, and asked the Board's approval to add him to our bank accounts.  John Luce made a motion to authorize the interim Town Manager to have access to the bank accounts.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.


            2.   There was discussion about the trash being left at Clint Parsons' property on Main Road, and there were five or six bags of trash there again.  Kevin said he hasn't actually witnessed anyone leaving the trash, and has not been able to find anything referencing this situation or saying it is illegal to leave trash anywhere.  Kevin said he will keep researching the matter.




Workplace Smoking Policy:  John Luce made a motion to sign the Town of Carmel's Workplace Smoking Policy.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.


Tree Removal at Town Office:  Kevin said two of the trees at the Town Office should come down for safety reasons because they are rotting/dead.  Rick McLain of Maine Tree Service gave him an estimate of $600.00 per tree.  After discussion regarding what would happen with the wood from the trees, Selectmen said they had no objections to the tree removal.




PERC vs MRC:  Kevin said Terry McAvoy, who owns property in Carmel and is a Councilman in Hermon, told him PERC appealed Fiberight's DEP approval but DEP has told MRC to go ahead.


Road Project:  Kevin Howell stated there is approximately $108,000.00 remaining in paving funds, and suggested a total rebuild on Fuller Road from Harvey Stream Bridge west one half mile towards Etna at an approximate cost of $108,000.00.  Selectmen said they had no objections as long as there are funds available if something comes up.  Kevin said there is other road money available in case something comes up.  Kevin asked if Selectmen want the job put out to bid, or just have Hopkins Paving continue.  After discussion, Doug Small made a motion to continue with Hopkins Paving.  John Luce    seconded.  Four voted in favor.




Damascus Bridge:  Kevin said the inspection report from the Department of Transportation (DOT) says the railings are failing on Damascus Bridge.  The DOT governs bridges, and says they have to be engineered.  Engineering for this bridge would cost around $6,100.00, and the estimate to repair the bridge is $21,000.00.  Kevin said we have $17,000.00 in bridge reserve, so would not be able to repair it this year.  John Luce made a motion to authorize the Town Manager to have the Damascus Bridge guardrail engineered this year for repair next year.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.


Village Market Water Problem:  Kevin said he sent a certified letter to Panama Jack (owner of Village Market) and heard from his CEO, who said the company that did the basement work at the Village Market is coming out to see what needs to be done to keep the water from running out into the village.


Ambulance Run Logs:  John Luce asked if there is a possibility of the Board getting run logs from ambulance calls, without names or confidential information.  Kevin said he asked Fire Chief Ryan Simpson if he could get a copy of the Fire and Ambulance procedure manual, and Ryan said he would get it for him.  There was discussion about our ambulance transporting for a non-emergency.  Kevin said no policy would be broken for doing that, but Selectmen expressed concern with the possibility of our ambulance being out of town in the event of an emergency.  Kevin said MMA said if it is a municipal        department, the Town has full authority to write an ordinance/policy for it.  Selectmen were in favor of the Town Manager looking further into the issue, and having Kevin ask  Ryan for regular status reports.


EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Earlyn Bowers made a motion to go into executive session pursuant to 1MRSA § 405(6F) to discuss a confidential matter.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.  Selectmen went into executive session at 8:15 pm.  Selectmen reconvened in regular session at 8:20 pm.  No action taken, informational only.




Meeting Rooms:  Kevin said there is more room for guests in the Planning Board meeting room than there is in the current Selectmen's meeting room, and suggested reorganizing and moving Selectmen's meetings into the other room.  There was discussion about adding a    heat pump in the Planning Board meeting room to make it less stuffy, and Selectmen had no objections to the move.


Town Emblem Contest:  Kevin said he has thought about asking the school to have a contest to come up with an official town emblem for Carmel.  Selectmen said they would consider   the idea.


WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of August 22, 2016 in the amount of $878.49.  Doug Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of August 22, 2016 in the amount of $4,048.67.  Doug Small seconded.  Four voted in favor.

WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of August 22, 2016 in the amount of $98,734.49.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.


ADJOURNMENT:  Douglas Small made a motion to adjourn.  Jared Fitts seconded.  Four voted in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.