General Assistance Information

Every town in Maine has a General Assistance program that helps people in need who have no other resources.  Assistance is provided for basic necessities, such as housing, utilities, and food. The Town of Carmel offers General Assistance. Please call the Town Office at 207-848-3361; our hours of operation are Monday 8AM-8PM, Tuesday 1PM-5PM, Wednesday through Friday 8AM-5PM.

In an emergency after hours, please call Lacey Walton at 207-974-8803. To reach DHHS with questions regarding GA, call 1-800-442-6003.

In order to receive assistance, enrolled individuals must follow program rules and meet the eligibility conditions. All household members are to be listed on the application. All adults should sign the application. When you have your appointment please bring:

  • Proof of ID and residency- social security numbers are required for all household members
  • Proof of current expenses- electric bill, rental lease/rent receipts
  • Name and phone number of your landlord
  • Your current and/or most recent employment information- paystubs, employer’s name and phone number, dates of employment
  • Current eviction or disconnect notice, if applicable
  • Any documents requested at your previous GA appointment. Repeat applicants must bring receipts from purchases and payments made in the last 30 days
  • Proof of any money available to the household during the last 30 days- this includes wages, TANF, child support, social security benefits, veteran’s benefits, financial support such as gifts and loans, etc. Please bring your last 30 days bank statement

Please be aware that the General Assistance Administrator may reach out to your landlord, employer or previous employer, the Department of Health and Human Services, and any other persons or agencies listed to verify information.

PENALTY FOR FALSE REPRESENTATION. Whoever knowingly and will fully makes any false representation of a material fact to the overseer of any municipality or to the department or its agents for the purpose of causing that or any other person to be granted assistance by the municipality or by the State is guilty of a Class E crime and shall reimburse the municipality for that assistance. Further assistance may be denied until that person reimburses the municipality for the assistance or enters into a written agreement, which must be reasonable under the circumstances, to reimburse the municipality or that person has been ineligible for assistance for a period of 120 days, whichever period is longer.

(22M.R.S.A.§ 4315).