Regular Meeting (08-25-2014)
Selectmen Present: Suzan Rudnicki, John Luce, Joseph Pelletier, Douglas Small and Earlyn Bowers
Town Manager: Tom Richmond
Recording Secretary: Crystal Waiculonis
Guest Present: Glennis McSorley, Andrew Watson, Select Chair from Etna, Leroy Hall, Selectman from Etna, Walter Gibbons and John Merrill, Selectman from Etna and Deputy Sherriff K. Kurth.
7:30 PM: Suzan Rudnicki called meeting to order.
MNUTES: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to accept the minutes of August 18, 2014 as written. Joseph Pelletier seconded. Five voted in favor.
NEW BUSINESS: Leroy Hall, Town of Etna Selectman was present and requested that the Carmel Selectmen consider combining the Etna Town office with the Carmel Town Office, including but not limited to services such as, car registrations, tax collections and the Fire Department and Ambulance services.
Discussions followed and Suzan Rudnicki made a motion that the board get together and discuss the proposal from Etna regarding combining the two towns on or about October 1st, 2014. John Luce seconded. Five voted in favor.
Town Manager Tom Richmond stated that he would be in contact with Etna Selectmen to set a date to meet and discuss the Carmel Selectmen’s decisions and or comments and questions at a later date.
Tom Richmond stated that his contract as Town Manager expires September 1, 2014, and that an evaluation of his performance as Town Manager needs to be completed by the Selectmen. Joey Pelletier stated that he would like to see some sample evaluations from MMA to insure that proper evaluation of the Town Manager is completed.
Tom Richmond also let the selectmen know that he is in hopes of having a much needed knee operation sometime in October and would supply new information as he received it.
Tom Richmond gave an update on the Haskell Road construction. Tom stated that the culvert was in and the graveling of the road was almost complete and the paving should commence sometime after September 4, 2014.
Tom Richmond also discussed the new roof for the Town Office and Fire Department with metal roofing. Bids for the roofing project would be mailed out this week and a meeting with the roofing contractor’s would be held at the office on September 6, 2014.
OLD BUSINESS: Ryan’s grant issues had not been settled as of this date, as new passwords need to be made and the process in which to do so is slow. However, Town Manager Tom Richmond stated that he had spoken to a Representative in Washington regarding the password issue. Tom stated the representative said all the steps are being taken to resolve the issue: it is simply a slow process.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the Payroll Warrant of August 25, 2014 in the amount of $4,552.54. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Five voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the FT Fireman’s payroll Warrant of August 25, 2014 in the amount of $826.97. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Five voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the Accounts Payable Warrant of August 25, 2014 in the amount of $10,031.94. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Five voted in favor.
Tom Richmond stated that he would be preparing a warrant/advance for Bobby for gravel in the amount of $10,000.00. The board will be in to sign the warrant later in the week.
ADJOURNMENT: Douglas Small made a motion to adjourn. Joseph Pelletier seconded. Five voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.