
Regular Meeting (10-13-2014)

Selectmen Present:                Suzan Rudnick,Joseph Pelletier, John Luce, Earlyn Bowersand Doug Small        

Town Manager:                    Tom Richmond

Recording Secretary:            Tom Richmond

Guests Present:                      Ryan Simpson, Walter Hall called unable to attend working

7:30 PM:                    Suzan Rudnickicalled the meeting to order.


Special Workshop called to discuss the future of the Ambulance


Fire Chief’s Absence: Tom advised the board that Chief Hall had called him to let him know that due to his work schedule it was hard for him attend.


Ambulance Discussion: Ryan Simpson represented the Fire Department and the ambulance issues. He let the Board know the current bills and the amount of receivables that are on the books. A discussion was held on the fact that in the past, where the town supported the service though taxes, that if a resident was unable to their pay the bill they would be billed one time but there would be no forced collection.


There was a discussion on per-diem pay for the ambulance personnel. Ryan explained that currently those who attend training and answer calls are getting the largest part of the money in the point system, and he didn’t believe it would make any difference. Those members who don’t do calls now will not give additional time with per-diem pay.


Fire Chief’s Position: After discussion about the Chief’s absence and the work schedule conflict that seems to be a problem, Joseph Pelletier made a motion to post the Fire Chief’s position and ask other members to submit their interest to the Town Manager by Monday October 20, 2014. John Luce seconded. Five voted to accept.


Tom said he would call Walter Hall to advise him of the change and thank him for his service.


Executive Session: Suzan Rudnicki motioned to go into executive session pursuant to 1MRSA §405(6A) to discuss a personnel matter. John Luce seconded. Five voted in favor. Selectmen went into executive session at 8:20 pm. Reconvened at 8:30 pm. No action taken. Informational only.


WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of October 14, 2014 in the amount of $826.97. Doug Small second. Five voted in favor.

WARRANT: John Lucemotion to accept the payroll warrant of October 14, 2014 in the amount of $ 4,107.08. Doug Small second. Five voted in favor.


ADJOURNMENT: Suzan Rudnicki made a motion to adjourn. Doug Small seconded. Five voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.