Regular Meeting (04-28-2014)
Selectmen Present: Suzan Rudnicki, Douglas Small, Earlyn Bowers, and Joseph Pelletier
Absent: John Luce
Town Manager: Tom Richmond
Recording Secretary: Crystal Waiculonis
Guests Present: Glennis McSorley and Toby Pelletier
7:30 PM: Suzan Rudnicki called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: Joseph Pelletier made a motion to accept the minutes of April 14, 2014 as amended. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
- The Town Manager stated that the Atlantic Salmon Federation offered an agreement which required the town to take ownership. Tom explained that the town had no interest in having ownership but no objection to the fish-way.
- The Town manager stated that Gardiner Construction will be working with him so that once the Haskell Road Bridge is completed, we will be able to pave the entire road.
- Joseph Pelletier asked if the Town Manager had received complaints about rocks in the sand. Town Manager stated he had received periodic complaints.
- The Town Manager suggested that the town may want to reconsider plowing and sanding Route 69, due to the state cutbacks and funding.
CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER’S REPORT: Stewart Brooks was not at the meeting.
Sue made a motion to rescind Mike Azevedo as fire chief, Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
Sue Rudnicki made a motion to appoint Mike Azevedo as Fire Chief from this date, April 28, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Earlyn Bowers seconded.
The 40 hour position for the EMT- Firemen was discussed, and possibly hiring a full-time Fire Chief/ verses EMT-Fireman. The Town Manager stated in order to do this a special town meeting would be required. The position would have to be advertised and filled by January 1st, 2015.
Tom Richmond discussed the two Public Works employees and their current wages and length of employment. Tom Richmond stated he would like to see both Public Work employees receive a raise in pay. After discussion Douglas Small made a motion to accept Tom Richmond’s suggestion and raise Public Works employee, Willie to $13.00 per hour from $10.83 and Public Works employee Thomas to $11.00 per hour from $9.75. Earlyn Bowers seconded the motion, four voted in favor.
Tom Richmond discussed the need for the computers in the clerk’s office to be upgraded. He also discussed the issue of XP no longer supporting Windows. After discussion Douglas Small made a motion to update three (3) computers and purchase one (1) new computer, Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
Tom Richmond discussed the need for a generator for the Municipal building. He stated that CMD Power Systems estimate for the generator was $5,547.19. Earlyn Bowers read the entire description of the generator; Generac 20 KW automatic home-stand-by generator with 200 amp, etc. After discussion Tom Richmond stated it would be best to vote on the generator when the entire Board met again. Earlyn Bowers made a motion to purchase the generator. Sue Rudnicki seconded, 3 voted in favor, 1 abstention.
Town Manager Tom Richmond’s vacation time was discussed. Starting June 4 through June 13, 2014 and July 7 through July 18, 2014 for a total of 28 vacation days taken and 2 remaining. Earlyn Bowers made a motion to accept Tom Richmond’s vacation time and days, Sue Rudnicki seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Joseph Pelletier made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of April 22, 2014 in the amount of $3,227.37, Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Joseph Pelletier made a motion to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of April 22, 2014 in the amount of $826.97. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Joseph Pelletier made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of April 28, 2014 in the amount of $4,005.77. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Joseph Pelletier made a motion to accept the FT Fireman’s payroll warrant of April 28, 2014 in the amount of $826.97. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor.
WARRANT: Joseph Pelletier made a motion to accept the Accounts Payable Warrant of April 28, 2014 in the amount of $25,164.25.
Sue Rudnicki made a motion to go into executive session, Pursuant to 22 M.R.S.A. § 4305 (3B) to discuss general assistance. Earlyn Bowers seconded, four in favor. Went into executive session at 8:23 pm and reconvened into regular session at 8: 43 pm. No action taken. Informational only.
ADJOURNMENT: Sue Rudnicki made a motion to adjourn. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Four voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 pm.