Regular Meeting (02-03-2014)
Selectmen Present: Earlyn Bowers, John Luce and Joseph Pelletier
Absent: Suzan Rudnicki and Douglas Small
Town Manager: Tom Richmond
Recording Secretary: Coreen Sylvester
Guests Present: Toby Pelletier and Glennis McSorley
7:30 PM: Earlyn Bowers called the meeting to order.
MINUTES: John Luce made a motion to accept the minutes of January 27, 2014 as written. Joe Pelletier seconded. Three voted in favor.
Award Haskell Road Bid: John Luce made a motion to award the bid for the Haskell Road bridge replacement to Gardner Construction Enterprises for $126,600.00, contingent on approval by the March 3, 2014 Town Meeting. Joe Pelletier seconded. Three voted in favor.
Foreclosed Property Tax Payments: The Town Manager let the Board know we received about $16,000.00 last week in delinquent taxes, with three tax-acquired properties being paid in full.
2014 Town Meeting Warrant: The Selectmen and Town Manager went over the town warrant draft and made corrections.
Fire Truck #421: Tom Richmond said Northeast Emergency Apparatus came to check the transmission on the fire truck, looked underneath and found they had only hand-tightened the bolts on the transmission cover. Earlyn Bowers gave an update on work he has been doing on it.
New Planning Board Member: Earlyn Bowers made a motion to appoint Timothy Tracy as an alternate Planning Board member for the ensuing year. John Luce seconded. Three voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the payroll warrant of February 3, 2014 in the amount of $3,111.35. Joe Pelletier seconded. Five voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the Full-time fireman’s payroll warrant of February 3, 2014 in the amount of $488.46. Joe Pelletier seconded. Five voted in favor.
WARRANT: John Luce made a motion to accept the accounts payable warrant of February 3, 2014 in the amount of $150,430.57. Joe Pelletier seconded. Five voted in favor.
Road Postings: Tom Richmond stated he is going to post roads next week until June 1st, and can take the postings down earlier if the roads are okay.
ADJOURNMENT: Joe Pelletier made a motion to adjourn. Earlyn Bowers seconded. Three voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.